🌊5 Factor Model (OCEAN)
In Psychology, there is a 5 Factor Model that has been widely studied and is able to boil a person's personality traits into 5 categories.
Memory tip (OCEAN Acronym):
O: Openness
C: Conscientious
E: Extroversion
A: Agreeable
N: Neuroticism
relates to being interested with art and more
relates to how structured and orderly a person is
relates to how outgoing a person is
relates to being able to say no to people similar to a lawyer
relates to having a tendency of negative emotions such as anxiety, depression, angst, worry, and more
Openness 🎭
"High on Openness" - Curious/Creative - Adventurous - Broad interests - Appreciate art/beauty
"Low on Openness" - Avoids change - Traditional values - Practical - Few interests - Routines/traditions
Conscientious 📒
"High on Conscientious" - Responsible/Organize - Disciplined - Delays gratification - Reliable/trustworthy - Impulse Control
"Low on Conscientious" - Having fun - Live in the moment - Dislike rigidity - Spontaneous - Take things as they come
Extraversion 🎙️
"High on Extroversion" - Outgoing/Sociable - Positive/Cheerful - Expressive - Excitement in life
"Low on Extroversion" - Solitude/Quiet places - Reserved/Thoughtful - Fewer/Deeper Bonds - Need to recharge - Less expressive
Agreeable 🙅♀️
"High on Agreeableness" - Trust - Altruistic - Says "yes" alot - Self-less - Modest
"Low on Agreeableness" - Stubborn - Difficulty forgiving mistakes - Self-centered - Less compassion
Neuroticism 😌
"High in Neuroticism" - Sadness - Vulnerable to stress - Worry/Fearfulness - Overthinking - Self-critical - Self-conscious
"Low on Neuroticism" - Calmness - Resilience - Optimism - Calm under pressure - Copes with change
Last updated